Bettie Ballhaus' Big Boobs on Big Brother

Description: That's a whole lot of B's in the title, not to be confused with Bettie's bust size which is probably in the E's or more.

Views: 292251 Date: October 15, 2009 Favorited: 53 favorites

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wow get them breasts on the nude beach
holy crikey
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To this day, for the life of me, I can't understand why those who govern the United States have such a hang up with nudity on the major networks. Yes, it's got slightly better, but the operative word here is "slightly". Whereas in many a European country a scene like this is shown without being blurred or with a black box covering what the government considers the three "taboo" spots on the naked female body. With the popularity of the thong bikini bottom and thong panties, it's now usually just the other two. Still, why "Big Brother" can be seen uncut, unedited, and uncensored in the other countries that show it and not here in the United States is just wrong!
wpb1123 replied:
You're just wrong.
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O_O now if only she was a reglar on the site. :D
shadow1234567 replied:
spell correction: regular
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I think the camera operator has a fetish with feet....just my opinion.
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LOL yea what a job " OK now today I want you to lok thru these videos and any of them with titz, show those"
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My My MY Magnificent Monster Mammerary Melons.
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Holy hell... love the camera movement!