Amazing Boobs on a Czech Model download wmv download mp4

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Description: Ok, so this video starts off a little slow, but you really should stick with it until the clothes come off. She has a very tight package and those boobs are just wonderful.

Views: 154187 Date: March 1, 2013 Favorited: 36 favorites

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Really, that's all?? With that introduction I was expecting a lot more than fake, plastic boobs.
waffleinc replied:
I'm pretty sure that any girl who pays for fake boobs wouldn't waste the money to go up to a small C-cup.
think_panther replied:
I agree

They are fake, very fake, horribly fake.
And for your info an A-cup girl can't just jump to a D-cup.
mOOse replied:
actually according to her bio it says they're real. and their bio's don't usually lie.
+ -
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Holy shit shes hot! Wait..nevermind she smokes. Forget this.
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WOW. What a lovely girl with a pretty face and beautiful body. Czech girls are just amazing.
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Love her smile and expressions in general. She seems to have a lot going on below the surface.
mOOse replied: