Amanda Dawkins Strips

Description: Old footage of Amanda winning the stripper of the year title by showing all of us her stripping skills.

Views: 150919 Date: September 14, 2009 Favorited: 23 favorites

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very vulgar in my opinion..she could have made it more artsy and delicate and way sexier than this
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That was an awesome act, and worthy of her title.
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It's interesting how all things change, even the seemingly simply act of taking one's clothes off. These days, this girl wouldn't even get a shot at being a feature dancer, and her "act" would get her tossed or booed off the stage in some clubs. The SoY candidates (all features) are expected to use fire or lasers or shoot sparks out of their asses or something, but by gawd they better have a trick or two.
Shadrogue replied:
Interesting, you seem to know a lot about it...
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was a good TVX series pity they stopped it