Adorable Tessa Fowler Gets her Big Boobies Out download wmv download mp4

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Description: She's trying to pack for her trip to Vegas but ends up distracting herself by drinking wine and making this hot hot video. Mmmm.

Views: 147860 Date: July 28, 2014 Favorited: 41 favorites by request

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My dream Threesome. Me, her left breast and her right Breast
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I dislike videos that sudden go from clothed to unclothed. Half the fun is watching the clothes come off.
plinsavi replied:
I totally agree. The sad part is that this kind of video is increasing. Whoever is editing videos that way should be fired.
mOOse replied:
the problem with that is that she takes well over 3 minutes taking clothes off. with some sponsors, including this one, we are limited to showing 3 minutes of video total. so would you prefer to just see her stripping with a hint of boobs at the end, or a small amount of stripping followed by a longer amount of nudity?
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always a pleasure to see the sweet, large breasted, lovely Tessa. the Darling of South Carolina. yummy.