A Day in the Life of a Model download wmv download mp4

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(hardcore warning)

Description: I really like the way this video starts off, following her as she wakes up and gets ready for work. The nudity helps of course..

Views: 92743 Date: March 20, 2013 Favorited: 10 favorites

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One of the major requirement is the ability to arouse the audience's attention. That is not an easy skill to achieve and which no school will teach you this skill. Working like a celebrity, those people are constantly under people's attention. Whatever they do, they are judged and perceived differently based on the outcome....and their ability to solve problems of course!
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ALuGa said:
Easiest job in the world.. requires 60+ iq

And you know this how? I can't imagine a job where your looks are constantly scrutinized under a microscope being "easy". Where the average life span of your profession is a few short years. Where you have to deal with all sorts of predators and shysters and keep a smile on your face while you do it.
capn jack replied:
And I'm sure it takes zero effort to maintain a body like that...
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Easiest job in the world.. requires 60+ iq
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Definitely hot