The 1st step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. The 2nd step is letting me take care of PR while ur away at rehabxD
mOOse replied:
and this is why it sucks we can't rep replies to comments..
injuredpelican replied:
I know exactly what you mean. But what else a man to do with a trivial life? Not make it trivial? That's hard.
[quote name=BigCambo time=2011-12-15 05:43:34]These guys made me realize I need help.[reply name=CoyoteStarrk time=2011-12-15 05:52:51]The 1st step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. The 2nd step is letting me take care of PR while ur away at rehabxD[/reply][reply name=mOOse time=2011-12-15 06:02:38]and this is why it sucks we can't rep replies to comments..[/reply][reply name=injuredpelican time=2011-12-15 11:40:18]I know exactly what you mean. But what else a man to do with a trivial life? Not make it trivial? That's hard.[/reply][/quote]
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