Talia Auditions for Naked News

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Description: Not that we have any say in this what so ever, but I thought it would be fun to do a quick poll anyway. So what do you think, should she get the job?

Views: 66821 Date: October 16, 2014 Favorited: 10 favorites poll

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+ -
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I don't care about the nay sayers.She's hot and nerdy at the same time and that ass is absolutely amazing.It's a hell yeah from my end.
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Just couldn't vote 'yes'...Sorry
+ -
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she was a "no" until i saw that ass...damn!
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video started, then shut down. tried it again, got the dreaded blue screen, and windows7 shut down and went to safe mode. try at your own risk.
mOOse replied:
it's just a simple embed from NakedNews.. i highly doubt it is related to your computer issues.
+ -
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hell yeah! I want to see her walk though just to prove she is a klutz.
+ -
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Video not loading on my mobile device. Pity.
mOOse replied:
try the link under the video that i just added
Threk replied:
It plays fine in Chrome or Dolphin on my Droid.
tundrabarone replied:
Saw it via the link. Odd body shape. Looked similar to plastic doll at the pubic area - bit disconcerting. But we are all different shaped creatures