Spanish TV Host with Distracting Cleavage

Description: There's not a lot I understand from this video other than what's in the title. Then at the end she does a dance for some reason..

Views: 58761 Date: August 23, 2013 Favorited: 5 favorites

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Translation, since some seem to be interested in what she says:

guy (white shirt) says: you're so.. i mean with those eyes, that hair you are ... (she unbuttons shirt) wait stop, stop... call the cops
anna says: really, i don't get it, its just two pieces of meat,
other (black shirt) guy: true, true
1st guy: she's right, she's right
anna: it's like a hand or a foot
2nd guy: its a "bronie" (not sure what he said there, sorry)
anna: if feet were erogenous zones, you couldn't show your feet, or touch em, a tit is the same thing, its got nothing to do with it, besides, what happened in that limo, stayed in that limo.
What we are going to talk about is a striptease, from her new show...
(she suddenly pulls out a lollipop)

2nd guy:all three at the same time.. 1, 2 3...

ana: whats amazing is she made strong declarations about her life.
curiously she said in the sexual plane she is a very passionate woman, a lioness

oooo now we are going to watch snow, and danny florentino (WTF.. no idea who or what she is talking about)... (the rest is unintelligible, and unimportant, something about next show and some ranking)
mOOse replied:
Very informative, thanks!
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Nice boobies
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hot babe who cares what she sayin lol
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Was waiting for the titty to flop out. Or maybe it was just wishful thinking.
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If that was in the US, the girl would be fired, the moral fanatics would be screaming, and the FCC would fine the station. How sad.
base212assm replied:
I disagree. Had she shown a nipple or an pantiless upskirt, then yes, some limited number of people would be clamoring for the government to do something. But sexy girls are seen on TV all the time without incident. Baywatch comes to mind of a show constantly showing a lot more skin than in this video.