S&F Gets New Features and is Now Mobile Friendly! Hooray!

It may not look like it but S&F has been rebuilt from the ground up! We have also added a bunch of new features. Here is a short listing:
  • It now works much better on mobiles/tables (try it out!).
  • New Site Index section which breaks down content by your favorite site sponsor. Get to it via Home -> Site Index.
  • The Model Index has been completely re-made and should work much better. Models can also now be browsed by the starting letter of their name and they also get their own new tab in the menu.
  • New "Model Requests" section. You can now request to see more of your favorite Models. Look out for the "request" button on all gallery/video pages featuring models. Once a model gets X number of requests, we will do our best to bring you more of her! Get to the Requests page to see the current standings via Models -> Requests.
  • The menu has been re-shuffled and hopefully makes more sense now.
  • You can now scroll through the 5 random thumbs at the top of each page by clicking the next arrow.

If you run into any bugs, we've set up a page where you can report them:

The "Feedback" button that appears on each page will also take you there.

Stay tuned as lots of new and exciting features are coming soon! And if you've made it this far, it's only fair that you're rewarded with some nice boobies:

Description: Try us out on your mobile/tablet! We also now have a proper Model Index, Model Requests, Site Index and lots more. Read all about it!

Views: 13010 Date: March 27, 2014 Favorited: 3 favorites

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+ -
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It works better than ever now on my Kindle Fire HD and PS Vita. Top job.
+ -
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Works great for me
thanks for a great mobile
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Guys! if you don't like something about the new site or something isn't working well, you need to tell us about it in as much detail as you can.

-On desktop, if it's working properly, it is almost exactly the same as it was before. It's hard to even spot any differences.

-On mobile, depending on the size of your screen, the menu gets compacted for easier viewing and the content area fills up the screen so you see more of what matters without needing to zoom in.

So if you have a problem with the new site, start by telling us what device you are using and if possible what browser. Then tell us in detail what the issue is. If you don't like something, explain what exactly you don't like. If there is a bug, explain the bug (and better yet email us a screenshot). Simply saying "I don't like it, change it back" is not very helpful. :/
+ -
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It worked perfectly well on my phone before. Can you make an option to use the old version? I don't like the new way its set up
mOOse replied:
the whole site is different now, so no, that isn't possible. what don't you like about it? we are still changing/fixing things.
+ -
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Terrible!!!! The picture are elongated and distorted. This is a giant leap backward!
mOOse replied:
this is why we are asking for feedback! from the initial testing it looks like it's working fine on most devices.

what device are you using and what browser if known? what page are you on when the pictures are distorted? if possible, email a screenshot to webmaster(at)sexyandfunny(dot)com
+ -
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Works a lot faster on Galaxy S 3 the gifs load and start faster!! Quicker bouncing BOOBS...Hooray!!! Great job too all involved.
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Working pretty good from Samsung S4 on a hotel free wifi
+ -
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Woop woop!!! The new site is looking and running great! Nice work guys!
asonj23 replied:

Forgot.. BOOBIES!!!
+ -
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Left feedback. The mobile site is painfully slow. Can you provide a link to the desktop site at the bottom of the page? The mobile site layout is too cumbersome IMHO.
mOOse replied:
it really shouldn't be any slower. the mobile site is the exact same site as desktop it just automatically adjusts the layout to fit the resolution of the device it's being viewed on.

you can resize the width of your browser on a desktop to see what i mean. compared to before the changes, there are a lot fewer images/components so it should load quicker if anything (both on desktop and on mobile). :/

what mobile device are you viewing it on?
mOOse replied:
our host is having some network issues at the moment which might be the reason it's slow.
sfwriter replied:
Samsung Galaxy S4 using built-in/Firefox/Chrome browsers. Daughter experiencing same on her phone.
mOOse replied:
did you have the same issue with the test site on the forums?
sfwriter replied:
The forums seem to look and act as before the testing.
mOOse replied:
not sure what to tell you.. don't even think a link to the "desktop" site is possible and even if it was, it would just be a link to the same site, just with a wider layout and a larger menu. speed wise it wouldn't possibly load any quicker, it would be slower as there would be more to load. as i said earlier, they are essentially the same site, just styled differently. maybe garison can weigh in..
sfwriter replied:
Hate to be a downer and all but the mobile site on our phones (Samsung Galaxy S4, Built-in browser/Chrome/Firefox) is so ridiculously slow it's pretty much unusable. I verified other sites are working normal. The pages refresh in giant blocks when you scroll down. The images take forever to load. My animations, though secondary to all of this, take forever to load and skip most frames.
mOOse replied:
images/animations taking forever to load has nothing to do with the redesign. are you using your mobile internet or wifi? would love to see a video of how it looks like when loading to help troubleshoot if that's doable?
+ -
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Love the improvements!! Great work m00se!!!
mOOse replied:
thanks! though i can't take all that much credit.. garison (below) did most of it (at least the mobile/design changes)!
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And, for Asiaphiles such as myself, the Random Photo Generator now lets you select yet another subgroup of beautiful women.