Sexy Girl Strips in the Library to Test Students Focus

Description: A Dutch ad for some kind of a juice that apparently helps you focus better. Either it works great, or the guy bats for the other team..

Views: 56632 Date: May 21, 2014 Favorited: 9 favorites

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Nice thought. Nothing makes you focus that much.
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I have to say (not just because I'm dutch) But the dutch do have a great talent for advertising!!
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But imagine after the commercial is done and cameras are off...that lad would be 'up' and raring to go. Can you imagine if that advertisement required multiple takes...would mess it up intentionally a few times. just to have the girl re-do the strip act.
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need to study alone with her.
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The juice may help you focus, but it obviously doesn't help you focus on what's important.
base212assm replied:
excellent comment. I was thinking the ad makes me NOT want to drink whatever he was drinking. Anything that makes me ambivalent towards a beautiful lady is not something I care to ingest.