Sasha Grey for Equal Pay Day

Description: Porn is about the only way for women to make more than men. Sasha Grey stars in an ad to bring more awareness to the issue. I'd say it worked..

Views: 74911 Date: March 16, 2012 Favorited: 5 favorites

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women make the same amount as men on the railroad. Become a conductor!
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Women tend to take jobs that pay less, then complain they are getting paid less. Give the same experience level: Male nurses do not make more than female nurses. Male teachers do not make more than female teachers. Male engineers do not make more than female engineers. Female brain surgeons do not make less than male brain surgeons. The silly idea that nurses and teachers should make as much as engineers and brain surgeons is where you get the pay differences.
alkanadi replied:

That's not actually true. Male nurses are more likely to be department heads than female nurses. Male teachers are more likely to become administrators than female teachers. Female engineers tend to make less money than male engineers, even in similar positions, and they are less likely to be promoted into management. Female brain surgeons tend to work shorter hours than male brain surgeons, because they are more likely to be responsible for housework and family duties than men.

In many jobs, males and females make the same pay, but only when they are at the same level, and females find it far more difficult to get promoted to higher levels. So there is much more to this than simply the kinds of jobs that women tend to take.
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The hell is this!? I wanna see her ass!!!!:p
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Though the disparity between men and women's salaries is a big issue here in the USA, porn stars aren't the ideal spokespeople for female empowerment. Ergo, I don't see Sasha Grey as a good spokesperson for this movement.

Sasha herself says she made more as a nurse than many doctors, yet she decided to do porn. That's a decision I respect but it was her choice to do porn and she made some serious bank. That's not a man's fault.

In today's business world, everyone has equal opportunities as dictated by law at least in the US. If you don't like the wage offered, you can negotiate for what you think your market value is. You don't have to accept the first offer given.

Some employers think women should be paid less because of bullshit excuses like pregnancy leave, PMS and costs due to prior sexual harassment cases, but the truth is that these employers pay women less because they are sexist and think they can get away with such practices.

Fact is, women with equal skills to men in the same field should earn equal pay. Men deserve no extra benefit by virtue of their gender and neither should women benefit by virtue of their gender. It should be even keel across the board. I can sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day just the same as a woman can. Do I deserve more money just because I'm a man? Hardly.
walt69 replied:
I think that you missed her point. Her point was that she "played" a nurse, a teacher, etc ... She made more money playing a nurse in a porn movie than the doctor made in the porn movie made.
Isobar replied:

Yeah you totally missed the point, every job she mentioned was roleplaying in porn. I agree with what you said mostly besides that though.