Santa Gets a Lap Dance!

Santa snuck away from his workshop to get a lap dance at upscale gentlemen's club Rick's Cabaret New York.

Rick's Cabaret Girl Brielle revealed, "We get celebrities here all the time, so it was no biggie. I took him straight up to the VIP Third Floor for a little privacy."

"It was cool because I really love older men," she purred. "He asked me if I was naughty or nice. But I'm sure he already knew the answer to that one. Ha ha ha!"

Ricks Cabaret, Girls

Ricks Cabaret, Girls

Ricks Cabaret, Girls

Ricks Cabaret, Girls

Ricks Cabaret, Girls
photos courtesy of Rick's Cabaret

plug time:
Rick's Cabaret New York
*** Over 100 Showgirls Daily
*** Three Floors of Luxury
*** VIP Private Suites
*** Gourmet Steakhouse
*** Roof Deck Cigar Lounge
*** Businessmen's Lunch Special
*** Weekend Brunch
*** Home of the "new" Midday and Nighttime Bachelor Parties

Description: It's a hectic time of year for the big guy so it's little surprise to see him blow off some steam before the big day!

Views: 35226 Date: December 24, 2012 Favorited: 1 favorites

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