Porn Stars Explain Net Neutrality

Description: All jokes aside, this is actually a very serious topic and if you love the internet you should take note. Sexy and educational!

Views: 49191 Date: November 16, 2014 Favorited: 4 favorites

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Net neutrality is a hard sell to porn lovers because many people who support the right to view and make porn are libertarian, having fought both liberals who see porn as exploitive, and conservatives who see it as immoral, for years. And libertarians are opposed to net neutrality, preferring market forces to set the costs of data transfer.
EnragedFilia replied:
Personally I consider myself a Libertine. It's a convenient label because it doesn't imply any particular obligation to any preexisting ideology, mostly because it's so rarely used in modern politics as to effectively be unique.

Everybody feel free to make up your own ideology. Politics is much easier to deal with that way.
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Not really sexy, not funny, and not educational. Reclassifying broadband as a common carrier under Title II wouldn't prevent ISPs from charging extra for faster delivery. So that was disappointing.

Then the whole thing turned into a political ad in favor of one guy against another guy.
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