PETA's Banned Ad Auditions

Description: Behind the scenes look at the banned Superbowl ad by PETA called Veggie Love. It's not hard to see why it was banned.. damn!

Views: 89863 Date: February 3, 2011 Favorited: 8 favorites

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This is why I think PETA is a joke. They want people to take them seriously about their cause and then some of the members make a mockery out of that cause either by what they are doing here in this video or by being naked for the cause. Hey, I've got nothing against the naked human body, believe me, but there's a time, a place, and a proper reason for it and PETA has yet to get a clue about this. Ridiculous! Plus, I ABSOLUTELY love meat and I ALWAYS WILL love meat!!! :-)
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how the hell did the guy come in? and i wish that it would be as many hot girls as vegetables :D
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hmm i gess if we were there with the girls as vegetables
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Studies show vegetarians have better sex,...apparently with vegetables.
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Not much comes between a lady and her veggies cept biikinis wtf? No boobs thumbs down