Orgasmic Voting

Description: This girl is really excited about voting, and I mean REALLY excited! Perhaps not surprisingly this ad comes to us from Spain.

Views: 54546 Date: November 24, 2010 Favorited: 4 favorites

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omg I read this as "Orgasmic Vomiting" I'm glad I read it wrong
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Interestingly, this is an ad for Spain's socialist party. Heard about it on the news. I guess everyone there has denounced it and it's been taken down. The conservative party has an ad comparing a candidate to Lara Croft.

Spain's electoral politics sound pretty entertaining.

SoCalGlamourGirls replied:
Love this edgy stuff. Wish it was allowed here instead of our style of old fashoned personal attacks and intrest group politics.
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This wouldn't work for American voters.
I don't want to see the obscenely overweight 66 year old hoverround bound woman getting her rocks off in a voting booth.
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me thinks she forgot to remove the vibrator before she left the house.