Mr Skin Presents: Best of Stormy Daniels

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Description: When she's not making the news, you can find Stormy's sizeable breasts anywhere from actual pornos to appearing in Hollywood movies.

Views: 37553 Date: May 8, 2018 Favorited: 5 favorites

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+ -
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She's out of proportion. It is like all she is are those two big boobs. She's got an attractive face, and a nice body otherwise, but all you notice is those big boobs. Acting is not what she does. She shows her tits to the camera. She's not much beyond that. And all the hype she's getting? That she made some incredibly poor choice in a sexual partner ten years ago? Who cares? One has to think she had the sex for money and nothing else. I'm trying to think what you call someone like that, anyone?
+ -
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i hear the audio, but no video to see??
base212assm replied:
you did not miss much. Two big balloons with nipples.
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