More from Today Feature and More Daily Updates!

The new "More from Today" feature is pretty self explanatory, but we figured we might as well announce it officially. Basically, in addition to the top 4, 5, 6 or however many main things get featured daily on the front page, we will now also include a row of content underneath, highlighting the days' other worthy posts. Each post featured under "More from Today" has a gray icon embedded in the thumbnail showing what type of content it is (video, gallery, battle or other). The addition of the "More from Today" feature also means we will be posting more content than ever, so S&F is going to kick an even larger amount of ass going forward!

Please note, the new "More from Today" addition doesn't completely replace the "Show All" page, as there may be times where not everything on the "Show All" page gets a spot on the front page. For things that are featured under "More from Today" you also don't get to read our super amusing descriptions [sarcasm], see ratings/comments/tags and all that jazz. So for the more die hard fans who want to see everything (and see it as it gets added to the site and not a once a day update), the "Show All" page is still the place to be.

And since I always leave you with something in these feature announcement posts, here's a "Maintaining Eye Contact Test", courtesy of BangBros, that you will almost certainly fail:

Description: As you may have noticed already, we've started featuring more things every day on the front page. If you'd like to know more, read inside!

Views: 21783 Date: October 8, 2014 Favorited: 6 favorites

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+ -
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Failed before I even started
+ -
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thanks, more fun things on an already great site!
+ -
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First (and only).