Melisa Strips on Your Desktop (S&F Special - Free Download!)

We've partnered up with VirtuaGirl to bring you a Full Version of Melisa's desktop striptease for free! No catches, simply follow these simple steps:

1) Click on the promo image below.

2) On the next page, click the "Download Full show" button. It looks like this:

3) Follow the on-screen instructions and enjoy!

You can rest assured that their software is 100% safe, and contains absolutely no malware/spyware/adware/viruses/other nasties. You can double check this at various sites, including Norton by clicking here.

This is an offer exclusive for S&F visitors that you won't find anywhere else. If you've seen the desktop stripper ads on here over the years and always wondered what a full show would be like, this is your chance to find out!

Description: Yep, you read that right! Our long term partner VirtuaGirl are giving away this full private show absolutely free to S&F visitors.

Views: 40683 Date: September 11, 2013 Favorited: 1 favorites

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ok, i've been in touch with the VirtuaGirl rep, and she told me that she'll manually activate the full Melisa strip for those for whom it didn't work automatically. if it's still not working for you, email her at celine(at)virtuagirl(.)com, tell her you're from S&F and she'll help you out!
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iceman681 said:
promo over? or am i missing the link?
it looks like it's not working for a bunch of people. i'm removing this from the homepage and getting in touch with VirtuaGirl people to try and sort it out. sorry.
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promo over? or am i missing the link?
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I think the offer only works for new users. Also if you're not seeing the "download full show button" and you are a new user, clear your cookies and try again.
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I DLed it but I don't have melissa
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The download button isn't appearing for me. Neither is the image nor link for the site, come to think of it.
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So whats the secret to getting the first one free?? I did everything they said to do and all I get is I don't have any credits!!!
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If there's no download button it might mean she's already in your collection (that was the case for me).
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Let me guess, only works for non members of VirtuaGirl..? If not then it's probably not working.. tsk.. oh well..