Melanie Iglesias and Lisa Ramos Doing the Cat Daddy

Description: In response to Kate Uptons Cat Daddy video, Melanie Iglesias and her friend just posted their version.

Views: 75788 Date: May 2, 2012 Favorited: 8 favorites poll

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I voted for Melanie Iglesias. But I'd rather give it to Lisa Ramos.Actually I think she did a much better job than the other two!
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How the hell is Melanie Iglesias losing this? The clothes? She's about 15 times hotter than Upton.
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WTF is a Cat Daddy!? And why weren't they naked!?
Isobar replied:
I have no idea what it is, but i like it.
vanadium322 replied:
Speakers off nudity would make this a win. I can only do 1 out of 2 from here!