Italian Ad for Tanning Oil Featuring Topless Boobies

Description: The bare boobs were included for seemingly no good reason, except for the fact that they look great. Gotta love Italy!

Views: 46117 Date: November 6, 2013 Favorited: 8 favorites

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I don't understand Y.T's policy on nudity - they have lots of videos with complete nudity that have been up there for years, including ones more explicit than this one. Why do some get taken down and others not?
sfwriter replied:
Because the censors on Youtube are a bunch of idiots.
+ -
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Video has been removed. I think Three D should act it out for us since we missed it. :)
mOOse replied:
swapped it for another one.. no reggae this time :(
+ -
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Nice. So realistic. :-)

They're really beating the shit out of some reggae there.
mOOse replied:
hey it was made in 1996, and i hear reggae was all the rage in Italy then.. :P
Three D replied:
It's all good. They get a pass because the ad is awesome. I think it's a remake of a song by Inner Circle who's other big hit was the Bad Boys song they use for the show "Cops". It would have been big right around that time too.