Introducing the Boob Apron!

Description: Believe it or not this product actually exists. Some hilarious person though decided to improve the infomercial by giving it a whole new voiceover. The result is awesome.

Views: 159191 Date: August 27, 2010 Favorited: 14 favorites

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+ -
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fell outta my seat laughing
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narrator sounds kinda like glen quagmire...
Chris1972 replied:
gigity gigity gigity
+ -
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oh my god that was hilarious.
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A little tongue in cheek, but I know three women who have more than ample 'hand melons'. It seems they always buy the lowest cut blouses they can find, then tug them up when they catch some guy peeking. I called one on this at a party and she flopped them out for all to gander for a few seconds. Really, looked better hidden!
+ -
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That's America, whose contribution to fighting overpopulation is the sentiment of "killing people is okay, making people isn't." Add to that the feminism epidemic whose only aim is to be a pain in the ass to men... and you get such idiocy.^

Good voiceover.
+ -
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Take away happiness of men.True and thumbs up!!!!
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i most liked the ending, "boob apron! the worst fucking invention ever." lol
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Too funny!
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The date is kinda funny. If she wears something like that we would not be drinking wine. If I'm going to spend that kinda of money to show off to you. Why are you not going to show off the me. First view are hard to get rid of.