Improvements to Galleries

You may have noticed some changes to the gallery pages. Now when you're looking at a pic, you can see the full gallery below, including where you are, and jump to any pic you want!

No longer will you have to click on back/next or even worse, go back to the main gallery page to go directly to the next picture you want to see. What are you waiting for, go look at some galleries!

Description: You may have noticed some changes to the gallery pages. Now when you're looking at a pic, you can see the full gallery below, including where you are, and jump to any pic you want!

Views: 14148 Date: November 4, 2011 Favorited: 3 favorites

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+ -
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just a heads up, not worth a whole new post but you can now use your left/right arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll through the images.
D Ddun replied:
Now THAT I have done before.
D Ddun replied:
And it was AWESOME!
+ -
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D Ddun said:
holy crap! I really gotta check the tabs more. Never new about this section at all. Thanks!
You've been here since 2006 and you are just now finding things. XD We gotta get you out more often.
D Ddun replied:
I know I know. I see girls and get tunnel vision.

I'll just have to spend a few more hours on a day. Oh well 26
+ -
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holy crap! I really gotta check the tabs more. Never new about this section at all. Thanks!