GoTopless Day 2010 at Venice Beach

Description: Topless girls protesting for nude rights, protesters with shirts protesting the protest, songs, dance, boobs, beach, crazy people. An average day at Venice Beach, really.

Views: 128112 Date: August 30, 2010 Favorited: 12 favorites

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odyssey1234 said:
They had a similar thing in Guelph, Ontario (Canada) last weekend.. with actual toplessness (cause it's legal here.. but I've never seen a topless woman walking around Toronto.. ever.)

Anyone have pics/vids from that?

I heard about the same thing in guelph, girls in toronto would never walk around with no shirts, a little alcohol may do the trick but other than that there all teases
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They had a similar thing in Guelph, Ontario (Canada) last weekend.. with actual toplessness (cause it's legal here.. but I've never seen a topless woman walking around Toronto.. ever.)

Anyone have pics/vids from that?
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wpb1123 said:
Man, California is full of idiots. What, are they fighting for the right to go around with little stickers on their nipples?

They are wearing the stickers because they don't yet have the right to walk around without them. thats what they are fighting for
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i love how she's using a wwf toy speaker phone at the start of the video...

oh...and boobies are nice as well.
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Man, California is full of idiots. What, are they fighting for the right to go around with little stickers on their nipples? How the fuck is that a constitutional right? And what the fuck were the freak guys doing there? They were either gay, transvestites, or creepers. Heck, I think the only normal guys were the guitar performer guy and the big Christian guy, and they're only normal by California standards.
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Well I'd like to think Jebus is a fan of boobs...
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That was Kinda like a CWH Mchat with all the boobie tape