Busty Bikini Bike Ride

Description: Meet Katee. A gorgeous girl with an impressive amount of boobage. If my sources are correct, you can find her camming here, just search for 'kateelife' or click here!

Views: 109282 Date: March 3, 2013 Favorited: 14 favorites

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+ -
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It's gone now. :(
+ -
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Nice camerawork. How the hell did they follow so closely and get such smooth shots?
onesmallstep replied:
Whoever did the camera work really needs to give lessons to the clods who are standing still, using a tripod, filming a girl who is sunning herself and still can't manage to keep the camera straight and focused on the girl.
D Ddun replied:
Yeah . . . no kidding.
+ -
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Um didn't you already upload this very recently?
mOOse replied:
nope, you're probably getting it confused with the Havoc biking video.
D Ddun replied:
I thought it was a repost too but it was from another site. Not that I look at other sites . . .
mOOse replied:
bad D Ddun! no!
D Ddun replied:
(guilty face)