Argentinian Dancing Aftermath

Description: So this is what happened after the dance.. I have no idea what they're saying but I'm kind of glad the judging took about 14 minutes. The original dance is here.

Views: 102955 Date: May 14, 2012 Favorited: 25 favorites poll

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Imagine this with the American Dancing with the Stars.
Pick your favourite octogenarian starlet.
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This is just as great if not more great than the actual dance. I think they deserve to go down in history as fucking hottest dance ever.
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Holy shit, that girl is a BOMBSHELL! He'd have to be gay not to nail her right then and there so obviously, he's not.
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Let's see... Her parents said that they wouldn't go to the sshow, but they went anyways. It seems the male dancer has been shy about getting nude but did so in the dance. They seem to be arguing about whether it was artistic or not. Either way, the woman is quite visibly nervous and excited at the same time. Hot stuff. =D
D Ddun replied:
Thanks dude!
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what a rock hard bod she's got! damn!
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I was hoping they'd get too into the mood and fuck right there on stage..
Fucking with the stars eh.. Awesome!