'Accidental' Nipple Slip on an Argentinian TV Show

Description: It looks like that went pretty much how it was suppose to. Bonus points for the amusing commentary. GOOOOOOOOAL!

Views: 82183 Date: May 18, 2015 Favorited: 1 favorites

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+ -
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Interesting observation sfwriter. Accurate.
+ -
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It's funny how in other countries if a nipple is "accidentally" shown on TV everyone laughs and enjoys it. In the USA, however, it becomes a national crisis. We are so screwed up. :(
base212assm replied:
There is a difference of an actress slipping her own nipple and being outraged when Justin Asswipe rips part of his duet singer's clothing from her breast. I was outraged because of the violence depicted. And there are plenty of puritans in Europe, too, just a silent minority, not as vocal as every American's right to express their opinion.
Aryzach75 replied:
Who cares base this is porn
base212assm replied:
Reply to Aryzach: Aryzach, perhaps your idea of porn includes violence towards women, but I do not find anything erotic in that.
gmt809 replied:
In the words of Jenny Scordamaglia, there's nothing wrong in showing your body. "It's how you came to the world." Perversion is in our pudic minds, not in the bodys exposed.
Lewdlarry replied:
Reply to sfwriter:You mean like what happened on stage with Janet Jackson with a little wardrobe malfunction with that nipslip?
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