Spot the Differences!

Description: I've been able to find 7.. the first person to find and list them all, gets a free premium account upgrade (green username, no ads on the forums and some other neat stuff)!

Views: 49961 Date: 04/20/12 Favorited: 6 -

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Seems to be 2 diff here, 1. tatto on the ass & 2. Hair falling on her breasts
JFM27 replied:
I have 10
stringer in chair leg
height of chair
tattoo on butt
bow length
hair length
elongated graffiti
paint on wall above boob
second photo brighter
no second string tightner
size difference in the Photos
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some of it is also due to the fact that the pictures arnt the same size either
mOOse replied:
yep, the resizing was done on purpose to make it harder flip between the two and see the differences (ie cheat). wrightmantbg got them all.
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one more.. the second picture is lonely cause it doesnt have my attention
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Height of the back of chair
tattoo on butt
length of hair
the connector of the chair legs in the front
the extended line on the graffiti in the background
the missing second string adjuster on the violin
length of bow
nipple is bigger on top picture
+ -
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I'll add one more to the list:
Height of the chair
tattoo on butt
length of bow
Long vs short hair
the connector of the chair legs
the extra stick on the graffiti in the background
the missing second string adjuster on the violin

+ the image is cropped tighter and smaller.
(Is it lame? I suppose so... but it is a difference).

I will add the eye color is different
+ -
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Height of the chair
tattoo on butt
length of bow
added ponytail
the connector of the chair legs in the front
the extra stick on the graffiti in the background
the missing second string adjuster on the violin
Plus stain on wall just above boob is larger in 2nd picture
+ -
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Hmm? Oh, there are differences? I didn't notice
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Height of the chair
tattoo on butt
length of bow
added ponytail
the connector of the chair legs in the front
the extra stick on the graffiti in the background
the missing second string adjuster on the violin
Image is smaller
skin color, (or maybe everything in the top picture) is darker
+ -
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I'll add one more to the list:
Height of the chair
tattoo on butt
length of bow
Long vs short hair
the connector of the chair legs
the extra stick on the graffiti in the background
the missing second string adjuster on the violin

+ the image is cropped tighter and smaller.
(Is it lame? I suppose so... but it is a difference).
the.amazing.spyderman replied:
Just smaller no cropping
the.amazing.spyderman replied:
and just a little lighter
+ -
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Height of the chair
tattoo on butt
length of bow
Long vs short hair
the connector of the chair legs
the extra stick on the graffiti in the background
the missing second string adjuster on the violin
mOOse replied:
dammit that was fast! you win for now unless someone finds any more that i too missed! edit: ahh, i see you already have premium. you win the bragging rights then!
base212assm replied:
what about the stain on the floor boards?