Burger Kings New 7 Incher

Description: Yes this is a real ad released a few days ago in Singapore.. No it's not very subtle. Still I think that's what makes it awesome.

Views: 42591 Date: 06/27/09 Favorited: 0 -

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+ -
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7 inches is kind o' small, though. They must not pack much in singapore. So sad :(
dippy1423 replied:
average penis size in america is 5 1/2 inches, so 7 would be considered above average.
mOOse replied:
i think this is just tobeys around about kind of way of trying to make us think he has a big penis.. :rolleyes:
+ -
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yes, every person dreams of eating a big long thing with withe sauce...

+ -
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surprisingly not... tho since they mention A1, a brown sauce, and American cheese, a yellow/orange cheese, and nothing else to explain it, that unnamed white sauce may well be the 'special sauce'...

perhaps they thought going that far was a bit too lowbrow?...
shogg10 replied:
American cheese comes in white too.
+ -
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No mention of a special sauce huh?