30 Things Porn Has Taught Us

Description: Some real gems in this list. I won't say too much as to not ruin it so considering this me just filling up space. There, I think that should do it!

Views: 110668 Date: 03/13/10 Favorited: 5 -

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38. Cum running down a girls legs after sex is hot, a huge turn on and apparently she relishes the feeling..
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Number 19
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31. When more people enter a room where two people are having sex, none of the people are embarrassed. Instead, it turns into a gangbang.
MC-Pope-VII replied:
32. asian girls are always either distraught or gormless.
Shaken_Not_Stirred replied:
33. Asian women scream very loudly as they are having sex as if they were giving birth.
MC-Pope-VII replied:
34. the cameraman always has the same voice.
xanprime replied:
35. In the absence of a man, any woman will have sex with another woman.
surfbum1747 replied:
36. Women insist that men fuck them harder, no matter how hard they are already being fucked.
the_bows replied:
37. It takes less than 2 minutes for a girl to go from, never kissed a girl before, to a seasoned pro in licking twat.
Steelflex27 replied:
38. no two women will ever have the same "hair cut". if you know what i mean.
`squirt replied:
39. Blonde's knows how to use devices