Okay, how the hell do I send this to my underage children without showing them this page, cause they will laugh their asses off at the ad, but not so much at the site....
SaberSpellSword replied:
I have a way to do it but it won't let me post the stuff to make it work. basically you make a new html document then embed this flash animation in it. then you just open that html document in a browser and presto! all the hilarity with none of the porn!
[quote name=bgregs time=2009-07-20 02:01:39]Okay, how the hell do I send this to my underage children without showing them this page, cause they will laugh their asses off at the ad, but not so much at the site....[reply name=SaberSpellSword time=2011-10-07 02:28:19]I have a way to do it but it won't let me post the stuff to make it work. basically you make a new html document then embed this flash animation in it. then you just open that html document in a browser and presto! all the hilarity with none of the porn![/reply][/quote]
But...But...What happened to the person! They were gonna tell me something like "I Love Chicken" or something D:
[quote name=elando time=2009-07-18 21:21:27]But...But...What happened to the person! They were gonna tell me something like "I Love Chicken" or something D:[/quote]
This has to be the most stupid thing I have ever seen on this great site. Sheesh, fucking crap.
mOOse replied:
no sense of humor alert
[quote name=subpauly time=2009-07-15 10:53:24]This has to be the most stupid thing I have ever seen on this great site. Sheesh, fucking crap.[reply name=mOOse time=2009-07-15 11:11:35]no sense of humor alert[/reply][/quote]
yea it does, says "I can't just be focused on you, other people are clicking me too." "I'm going to go talk to one of them now" "AFK"
Webbie replied:
it does takes awhile though. A lot further than FPSfreak said.
SaberSpellSword replied:
actually thats only about 2/3 of the way through. keep clicking! I thought it was the end there as well but then it started up again after about 3 -5 clicks of nothing happening.
[quote name=JohnDoe5150 time=2009-07-14 18:07:19]does it ever stop?[reply name=fpsfreak101 time=2009-07-14 08:44:55]yea it does, says "I can't just be focused on you, other people are clicking me too." "I'm going to go talk to one of them now" "AFK"[/reply][reply name=Webbie time=2009-07-14 09:08:34]it does takes awhile though. A lot further than FPSfreak said.[/reply][reply name=SaberSpellSword time=2011-10-07 01:58:07]actually thats only about 2/3 of the way through. keep clicking! I thought it was the end there as well but then it started up again after about 3 -5 clicks of nothing happening.[/reply][/quote]
Watch Jeny find new ways to get naked in public, trick lucky guys in her hidden-camera videos and get lots of personal interaction and frequent replies from the always sweet Jeny!
Nice find!
U (click)
lous (click)
awesome add...
Nice post, mOOse.