Random Photos 673

Description: Good old daylight savings strikes again! This just does not happen at my local laundromat. Netflix is pretty savage when you think about it. And finally, busty perfection.

Views: 50281 Date: 03/16/21 Favorited: 2 favorites

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vemmax95 said:
I don't get what's supposed to be happening in #3.

Me too...
june pearl replied:
Reply to silas:Same here.In the bygone years,people running S&F would step in and explain for the sake of their patrons.Nowadays,they are least bothered!That's why S&F's quality has tanked and they are scraping the bottom of the barrel with mostly porn as their main content and not the good kind.And that's why where there would be so many comments for their posts earlier,nowadays,there are almost none!
+ -
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I don't get what's supposed to be happening in #3.
Dinkytoy replied:
Me three!
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Who is the flasher in pic 4 with the amazing set of knockers and why does she look so familiar?What a babe though!
base212assm replied:
her name is given in the upper right corner. Her video is shown in the lower right.
june pearl replied:
That really doesn't help!If we want to check out more of her on the net,we'd want her full name...