Random Photos 183

Description: Another spanktastic set of random sexy and funny photos to get your week off to a good start. I don't know why but this photo gets me every time. And then there is this.

Views: 267683 Date: 09/13/11 Favorited: 31 favorites

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In the first picture i believe the woman on the left is Victoria (vicky) Rae black
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For the girls with guns picture search for "duke nudem".Its an advert for the game, but fun ...
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always love these, but this edition was special thanks!
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Who is the girl in the first one? She looks familiar
ARobi5 replied:
The one on the right is April O'Neil, not sure about the one on the left
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Darkguille replied:
wouldn't mind anyone telling me who the nurse is on the gif #22 :D

Not sure, but looks just like one of those russian hidden cam clips the site used to show?
GREAT EDITION by the way!!!!
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june pearl said:
You could play"pick the odd one out"in the last picture!Well it has to be the one in American flag panties as,when the other three are in boots and wearing gloves,she's in high heels and without gloves...

And in Lumburgh's voice(Pic 16)"Yeeeaah,and if someone could tell me who the chicks are in pictures 7 & 11,that'd be great."
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You could play"pick the odd one out"in the last picture!Well it has to be the one in American flag panties as,when the other three are in boots and wearing gloves,she's in high heels and without gloves...
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and in a bid for the dorkiest comment:

Those girls did not pay attention in gun safety. you are not to place your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire. at least the 4th girl cant seem to find the trigger. :-p
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Another great batch. Thanks! The girl in the grey pants is nice, but if she's going to clad that fine ass like that, . . . . I'm going to stare with or without her permission. Wonderful day for booties.
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The phone question... I don't get those numbers, too. But then again, I might just think too much. ^^
For an 'n' you have to press the key twice, but somehow that's not how these numbers work.
mr300 replied:
These numbers existed before texting, if you are comparing to texting, its like xt9 texting where you just press the button once for each letter and the phone spells it for you.
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Tuesday, Tuesday, I LOVE TUESDAY.
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#9 Peta Todd & Holly Peers - Love pair :)
Darkguille replied:
wouldn't mind anyone telling me who the nurse is on the gif #22 :D