Random Photos 145

Description: If this girl was at my local gym I would have a 12 pack by now. Instead I've been once in the past three months, sigh. But enough about me, enjoy the sexy and funny randomness!

Views: 305350 Date: 12/28/10 Favorited: 18 favorites

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I have seen girls that look better at my gym, I still don't go there often enough.
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In picture 19, the top right corner, is that lady eating... a shrunken human head?
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You did it again. The Hot Ass sign leads into the pic of the awesome ass. Was that for my benefit?
mOOse replied:
i figured i couldn't not do it after last time.. :)
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the plaque for 1897 = win.
the facebook one.. if it was 10ft closer wed burn up 10ft further wed freeze... if that was the case then surely the earth is wider than 10ft so at all somes 49.995% of us are freezing and 49.995% are burning the other 00.01% are in perfect climate...
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1) Idiot-proof tags such as "contains egg" are all thanks to the retarded lady who sued McDonalds because they didn't tell her that he coffee was hot, 2) I love it when just the right letters burn out in neon signs and 3) I think I was stuck on the eighth picture for about an hour before I moved on. Very nice
darthbob88 replied:
To be fair to Stella Liebeck, the coffee she was given was hot enough to cause 3rd degree burns and left her in the hospital for 8 days while she went through skin grafting. She didn't sue because the coffee was hot, she sued because the coffee was FUCKING hot.
Shakros replied:
Convenient how they left that part out...
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I've farted in publix before, but I quickly move out of the area. Heh heh heh.
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bgregs said:
Contains egg.... heh! And that fucking moron with the Earth and ten miles.... Wow, it's SAD that people like that exist!

Are you sure that wasn't angra. (Just a thought.)
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Contains egg.... heh!

And that fucking moron with the Earth and ten miles.... Wow, it's SAD that people like that exist!
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best so far! sexiest and funniest pics ever! the dough one made me literally lol, facebook one simply awesome, and the egg one makes me wonder how some people lace their shoes... seriously, look on a package of peanuts, they are forced to label "comes from a factory that processes peanuts"
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girl on the segway, i love you very much.
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Rofl rocked on facebook - silly evangelists.