Nude Coeds Waterslide Fun Time!

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Description: Caitlin, Hayden, Lexi and Mandie took a pretty average waterslide and turned it into the hottest place to be once they stripped.

Views: 83607 Date: 03/27/14 Favorited: 7 favorites

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+ -
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Some nice specimens.
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Riazm said:
Don't get me wrong.. I like the photo's!!
But this looks reeeeaallllyy photoshopped..
Like they weren't even outside or near that house.. Photo's taken in a studio and then photoshopped to make it look like they were outside...

I would say that that's because of the flashes. They are adding a lot of light to a shady area and it's obvious where the edges are.
asonj23 replied:

Who cares? BOOBIES!!! Woo!! :)
+ -
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Don't get me wrong.. I like the photo's!!
But this looks reeeeaallllyy photoshopped..
Like they weren't even outside or near that house.. Photo's taken in a studio and then photoshopped to make it look like they were outside...