Kyla Cole on a Balcony

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Description: This lovely brunette can lure anyone up to her place, infact that's how she earnt the nickname 'Venus'. Ok, now I'm just making crap up.

Views: 208166 Date: 12/26/08 Favorited: 17 favorites

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those eyes. that smile. that body. *drools*
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Damn Bushes ruin gorgues girls
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seductive eyes, very delicious breasts:)
and whatever others tel, that large bush makes my mouth watering.. it looks very tempting
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I loves me some Kyla Cole. I'd really like to see her do a photoshoot fully waxed. She needs to drop the bush.
the064cobra replied:
Agree.... Too much bush.....WAY TO MUCH BUSH. She's too hot to have bush that HUGE. That'll require a weed-eater with a 5 horse power briggs & stratton engine.
fanx replied:
Disagree completely....Kyla Cole is gorgeous just the way she is. Always loved that muff. Way too many beautiful women have been ruined by the self-styled judges of beauty (like yourselves) who believe all women should look like the hookers in your porn because that's what gets you off. Another beautiful girl who went under the knife for idiots (I assume) was Amy Sue Cooper. So much beautiful body and some jackass told her it wasn't perfect enough...what a loser!

It's a desparate situation for a lad who likes a hot woman with a carpet to match the curtains when pre-pubescent pederasts have driven Playboy to the point of bankruptcy pushing your twats with no pubes in 2001. Fuckers
shan101 replied:
nah, i'mma have to disagree also with this one. Kyla Coles gots an amazing body...her eyese are fucking sexy as helll. and that bush just tops it off b/c she's the only one out there that refuses to trim. To me it makes her unique in her own way...bush or no hairy bush, i'd F**k that anyday anyday...
Shadrogue replied:
Actually I'd have to agree, I hate Bush. Oh wait, you mean on Kyla? Oh nevermind then :P