Holly Henderson Strips on the Beach

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Description: Holly throws caution to the wind and strips down on the beach, not caring if anyone sees her. Did I mention she's really hot? Because she is..

Views: 80381 Date: 01/09/12 Favorited: 20 favorites

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She's a fooking sweethaert
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I guarantee this woman has never heard the words "sorry baby, we can't do it because of your tattoos. Now get out."

If a tattoo is enough to turn you off a body like that, you must not like women.
Duct Tape replied:
I like women just fine, it just so happens that this one has tattoos that proclaim her as an idiot.
Captain_Fantasy replied:
Good luck to you.
+ -
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This is one time I would pay no attention to the "tramp-stamp" whatsoever, except I believe it's pointing the way! She is plumb smokin'.
Duct Tape replied:
Never mind the tramp stamp, I'm more concerned with the Arabic tattoos that probably say "dumb slut" and "lol" respectively.

She's hot, but the mind-numbingly stupid ink mitigates it. And I like tattoos.
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Straight up fire!