Dirty Girl Nessa Devil

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Description: Nessa, aka the girl with the longest torso in porn, gets dirty. Literally dirty. She went out into the woods naked and things just happened from there.

Views: 86414 Date: 09/06/13 Favorited: 6 favorites

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Gah, someone give that girl something to eat!
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Those tits are most beautiful. I just long to be able to caress them close up. That would satisfy my curiosity for all times. Also, I adore the double ringers.
She has it all and that is why I want some of it.
Duct Tape replied:
Those tits are quite obviously fake. Which I wouldn't mind as much if she didn't look so malnourished.
+ -
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How long exactly has she been in the woods? She looks like she hasn't eaten in weeks.
chopper53 replied:
Agree. I, too, prefer women with some meat on the bone.