Police Woman Stripped

Description: From an old UK movie, the police woman gets stripped by a mob of people in the pub. Kinda weird, but hey she's pretty hot.

Views: 939209 Date: December 29, 2008 Favorited: 126 favorites

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After this, she will have to put in for a transfer. Too many giggles behind her back.
Boss123456 replied:
Nice juggs
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She's not really a police woman. She's from a stripper gram agency. Later in this movie, the club members strip a real police woman by mistake.
D Ddun replied:
What's the name of the movie?
Dr87 replied:
Do you happen to know the name of the film?
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I think the women in nthe pub enjoyed it as much as the men!
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She's not a very good figher, but I'm not complaining.
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if only she called for backup from one of her fellow femaleoficers...
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spike666 said:
film is definately from kane magazine. the blond woman behind the bar wearing red low cut dress and man in suit are on the kane magazine home page wearing same clothing as in the film clip. there's a dvd listed , "bare bottomed, caned, and shamed" discription states police woman goes in pup to arrest pub patron for parking on yellow no parking space. she is stripped and spanked. the woman potraying the police woman is kara jayne. don't know if this is same film as this one.
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This is like finding the Holy Grail!!!! I had the original Kane magazine with stills from this film in it many years ago, but I had to get rid of it along with other mags when my then girlfriend moved in. She's now history and I'd love to get this film, incidently, in response to other comments, I'd have preferred it if the WPC could have kept her hat, and been left stark naked with just her hat and then thrown into the street !!
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film is definately from kane magazine. the blond woman behind the bar wearing red low cut dress and man in suit are on the kane magazine home page wearing same clothing as in the film clip. there's a dvd listed , "bare bottomed, caned, and shamed" discription states police woman goes in pup to arrest pub patron for parking on yellow no parking space. she is stripped and spanked. the woman potraying the police woman is kara jayne. don't know if this is same film as this one.
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Lovely British babe. Great choreography. The gentleman removed her police officer's cap first. The symbol of her authority. From there on in it was a menage a trois. Too bad the policewoman did not have back up. Maybe a female blonde blue eyed woman to get stripped.
Piggypopper replied:
I meant to say before - I love the idea of her colleague bravely rushing in to rescue her but getting the same herself. Happened to a girl I remember. If humbled policewomen are your thing, try the group I cite elsewhere in announcing I've tracked down where to find the film.
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could u give me da full version of this vid

Piggypopper replied:
I've found it! Search for "Kane Magazine", then on that site "six of the best". Thanks to the "Flaming Cheeks" crowd who responded to my call for help.
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wow what a sexy flim clip the female wpc gets stripped by a mob of guys in a pub and i agree shes was pretty hot and had a amzazing figure when she was naked.Have u got any more of this clip sodapopuk
I would have loved to be stripped like she was lol
let me know
michellelamouse replied:
I would have loved to be doing the stripping,wish I could find the movie or more info.
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She looks a bit like Seeta Indrani.

Seeta Indrani also played a WPC in the Bill.
sexykimpanties replied:
I would have loved to be stripped like she was by two guys and then who knows
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ive been looking and all i've found is a site that has the original california star vid/dvd where you have to pay for minutes on the site to view the vids not for sale DOH!! if thats any use to anyone?hopefully someone technically minded might be able to get the whole clip downloaded for the rest of us
nickyuk21 replied:
hi can u give me the link plz ! thxs very much

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i know this my sound werid but cud anyone give me a lnk t buy this film dvd or vhs , wud be VERY GREATFULL , thxs :)
nickyuk21 replied:
sorry it ment to read - can anyone give me a link to where i can buy this film on vhs or dvd, thxs :)
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Sorry, got it to work, but does anyone have the rest of the clip?
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It cuts off after 15 seconds. Wish I could see the rest. It looks good.
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It does look like it's from the British spanking film, "Six Of The Best." I think I have a pic of the same police woman nude, over the lap of the gent with the grey tie, ready to receive a rather embarrassing public spanking. I also believe London Enterprises was the company that made the film.
nickyuk21 replied:
do u know where i could buy this film . :)
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I like this - any chance of posting it in it's entirety without the jump-cut in the middle? And where is the Traffic Warden scene please? All good wishes for the newyear
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Great clip if anyone definately knows what film its from i'll try to download it!
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Just not able to find the name of film on the worldwidewait.We live in hope.
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What's weird is that she's not really trying. Or maybe that's just bad acting.
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It's been suggested that it's from a movie called 'Six of the best' but no one has found anything on it on while searching the interweb. There is a Traffic Warden clip from the same movie though. You will find it posted along side this one on the forum.
michellelamouse replied:
You are right tried the worldwidewait to no avail.Where did you find the clip?
sodapopuk replied:
I never found it. I hosted it for someone who was struggling to upload it on the forum.
ibwilson replied:
Reply to sodapopuk

videos dot spanking dot com/video/101775/Six-Of-The-Best
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that was HAWT
Somebody tell me the video plz? =$
michellelamouse replied:
Sorry for being old person.What does HAWT mean?
capn jack replied:
Hawt is another more emphatic way of saying "Hot".
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Very good,loved it.What film is it from?
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quite hot, would hae been good if she got fucked after that
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That's funny. After watching this clip, I pulled out a club (Or something) LMAOF
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What movie is this from?
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she didnt show a lot of resistance and she didnt even pull outa gun or a club or something
Harlot replied:
Possibly because British police do not routinely carry guns, even in 2008.