Most Revealing Luna Video Yet
Description: A S&F exclusive here as Luna releases her most revealing "free" video to date! You asked for it and Luna obliged so get ready for some slow motion hot as hell action!
Views: 388914
Date: March 11, 2009
Favorited: 80

Thanks Luna :)
God i love you!!
Keep up those amazing videos!
Screw those haters! >:(
If I were desperate for anything, I wouldn't be browsing
I would be in some bar picking up the ugliest chick with the lowest self-esteem in the world, and bang her brains out. But do I? No. Because I'm not desperate for anything. I want the hottest babes, which is why I go home alone every night and jerk of to this. Just like you.
and she is very beautiful.
or you're blind.......
Loved it
thnx luna