Battle Game Play

Behind the Scenes Battle!


Hosing off


Joey's always hot


14 rounds remaining.

Make a choice from each pair. Keep going until there are no match ups left!

Description: Getting ready, mid-shoot and general wackiness are all part of the fun when you're on set. Erica on that flip phone brings back memories in at least two ways.

Views: 14698 Date: 08/19/22 Favorited: 0 favorites

Battle Results

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#1: Erica on the latest phone (1842/2445)75.3%
#2: Lacey smoldering to camera (1529/2365)64.7%
#3: Casually curvy (1479/2371)62.4%
#4: Half covered (1466/2372)61.8%
#5: Damn we miss Lucy (1451/2352)61.7%
#6: Hosing off (1391/2350)59.2%
#7: blurry blonde (1389/2350)59.1%
#8: The pose equivalent of winking (1382/2340)59.1%
#9: Coffee acquired (1380/2382)57.9%
#10: Joey's always hot (1359/2352)57.8%
#11: Reading something juicy (1388/2408)57.6%
#12: Mia offers peace (1357/2387)56.8%
#13: Mia is pretty sure she forgot something (1277/2340)54.6%
#14: sexy smile (1254/2333)53.8%
#15: Wait, you said drink it? (1250/2331)53.6%
#16: Okay, one more (1211/2324)52.1%
#17: Stella's ready but not dressed (1197/2335)51.3%
#18: Sarah hanging around (1105/2332)47.4%
#19: So idyllic! (1090/2362)46.1%
#20: Giselle is getting dressed like rn (1064/2340)45.5%
#21: Having some technical issues (1065/2343)45.5%
#22: focus on Tessa (1016/2322)43.8%
#23: Kendra checking the results (982/2318)42.4%
#24: What a smile (970/2318)41.8%
#25: Right before her solo (908/2335)38.9%
#26: Mia in white socks (900/2323)38.7%
#27: Done with these (855/2299)37.2%
#28: Stella's flexible (854/2327)36.7%
#29: Perfect angle (592/2303)25.7%
#30: wut? (537/2301)23.3%

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