Battle Game Play

Best at Thinking Battle!


Rachelle brooding in repose


Stephy considering traffic patterns


9 rounds remaining.

Pick your favorite pensive beauty from each pair. Keep going until there are no match ups left!

Description: What hides behind their awe-struck eyes? Which thoughtful hotties do you prefer? Would we ask three questions in a row?

Views: 28535 Date: 11/03/17 Favorited: 2 favorites

Battle Results

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#1: Orsi suspects a visitor and dressed accordingly (4104/5919)69.3%
#2: Shelby brooding over interior decor (4038/5945)67.9%
#3: Carisha reflecting on a lumbarsupporting chair (3966/5901)67.2%
#4: Vika A wondering where a working water fountain could be? (3817/5913)64.6%
#5: Ms. Femme Fetish engrossed by thoughts of music (3673/5903)62.2%
#6: Hayden contemplating impending asteroids (3466/5845)59.3%
#7: Zahyra muses architecture (3134/5826)53.8%
#8: Rachelle brooding in repose (3022/5854)51.6%
#9: Rena ruminating as her tea brews (3031/5874)51.6%
#10: Pammie ponders greener pastures (2941/5833)50.4%
#11: Kendra considering new furniture arrangements (2845/5807)49%
#12: Lottie presumes someone's over there (2777/5842)47.5%
#13: Carlotta deliberating trees (2676/5852)45.7%
#14: Lauren concludes the best view in town (2530/5831)43.4%
#15: Stephy considering traffic patterns (2479/5819)42.6%
#16: Adriana absorbed with thoughts of nipple texture (2475/5857)42.3%
#17: Jacqueline meditating on a giant chocolate bar (2224/5838)38.1%
#18: Melissa selfstudy with a selfie stick (1919/5746)33.4%
#19: Lilian postulates a pillow fight (1863/5759)32.3%
#20: Julia and her introspective swing (1698/5712)29.7%

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+ -
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Thanks mOOse. I've really enjoyed the site--and the whole battle concept specifically--and wanted to join in the fun.
+ -
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Nice work folks
MrGreenBeard replied:
Thanks Pappupassq, really enjoyed all of your lists I've seen too!
+ -
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What an awesomely creative battle theme and captions. Well done sir.

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