Battle Game Play

Ladies in Red Battle!




Katie Fey Swims


10 rounds remaining.

Pick your favorite red hottie from each pair. Keep going until there are no math ups left!

Description: No matter what your favorite color is you might feel a little closer to red after this battle by user base212assm. So, who wears it best?

Views: 23200 Date: 06/02/17 Favorited: 0 favorites

Battle Results

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#1: Hailey Lynzz (3500/5131)68.2%
#2: Penny Flame (3436/5069)67.8%
#3: Katie Fey Swims (3232/4997)64.7%
#4: Jelena Jensen (3234/5073)63.7%
#5: Megan Jones (3145/5038)62.4%
#6: Katie Fey (3049/5038)60.5%
#7: Marketa Belonoha (2987/5036)59.3%
#8: Courtney A (2956/5009)59%
#9: Karina (2749/5039)54.6%
#10: Bikini (2729/5085)53.7%
#11: Natasha S (2650/5009)52.9%
#12: Cali Logan swims (2540/4970)51.1%
#13: Zina (2543/4991)51%
#14: Brittany (2441/4945)49.4%
#15: Raven Riley (2315/4913)47.1%
#16: Cali Logan (2066/4913)42.1%
#17: Eva Wyrwal (1814/4918)36.9%
#18: Stacy Shey (1800/4926)36.5%
#19: Laura Lion (1588/4916)32.3%
#20: Cumisha Jones (1520/4862)31.3%
#21: Amara Ranipas (1467/4874)30.1%
#22: Daniella C (1302/4846)26.9%

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