Battle Game Play

Best Beach Bum Battle






16 rounds remaining.

Pick the girl with the hottest ass on the beach!

Description: A collection of babes in various stages of undress, usually at the beach. Lots of booty and I don't mean pirate treasure.

Views: 46510 Date: 02/05/16 Favorited: 2 favorites

Battle Results

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#1: Dana Haram (6910/9119)75.8%
#2: Claudia (6294/8990)70%
#3: Terri (6077/8948)67.9%
#4: Dominika (5759/9121)63.1%
#5: Krystal Webb (5557/8902)62.4%
#6: Vivien (5483/8913)61.5%
#7: Juliette (5172/8896)58.1%
#8: Jenni Gregg (5160/8930)57.8%
#9: Evelyn (5112/8860)57.7%
#10: Orsi Kocsis (5140/8912)57.7%
#11: Janessa Brazil (5024/8883)56.6%
#12: Maria (4814/8875)54.2%
#13: Denise (4686/8858)52.9%
#14: Felicity (4590/8855)51.8%
#15: Adele (4590/8874)51.7%
#16: Zelda B (4526/8852)51.1%
#17: Viola O (4474/8855)50.5%
#18: Andreina (4448/8875)50.1%
#19: Nikola (4341/8830)49.2%
#20: Mareeva (4302/8825)48.7%
#21: Holly Henderson (4373/8980)48.7%
#22: Darselle (4217/8918)47.3%
#23: Nata (4029/8837)45.6%
#24: Corinne (3960/8759)45.2%
#25: Melisa (3958/8823)44.9%
#26: Elizabeth Marxs (3903/8821)44.2%
#27: Mia Malkova (3711/8769)42.3%
#28: Zafira (3431/8774)39.1%
#29: Peaches (3299/8781)37.6%
#30: Kami (3232/8722)37.1%
#31: Anabelle (3236/8804)36.8%
#32: Yara (2748/8800)31.2%
#33: Ashley Emma (2400/8731)27.5%
#34: Carol Goldnerova (2158/8720)24.7%

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lovely ladies, great asses.
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