Battle Game Play

The Battle Of The Perfect Nipples


She's a thick girl with a monstrous pair of boobies.


This petite dark skinned beauty knows how to have a good time!


10 rounds remaining.

Pick your favorite from each pair. Heheh 'pair'.

Description: Take a gander at these beautiful babes and decide for yourself who should win the trophy of the best nipples. Put on your bifocals if need be.

Views: 33981 Date: 01/29/16 Favorited: 1 favorites

Battle Results

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#1: She's a Barbie girl, In a Barbie world. (5482/7728)70.9%
#2: The suns going down and that's when the fun begins with this little number. (4970/7595)65.4%
#3: This beautiful blonde is just lounging by the window on a summers day (4912/7606)64.6%
#4: She's so bright she gotta wear shades in the sauna man! (4758/7659)62.1%
#5: Black lingerie goes a long way in this day and age! (4356/7549)57.7%
#6: Lingerie goes a long way when it's time to play at the end of the day. (4213/7495)56.2%
#7: She has a smile that could bedazzle medieval kings with the last amount of effort fathomable. (4181/7567)55.3%
#8: She's a thick girl with a monstrous pair of boobies. (4150/7561)54.9%
#9: Those are some perfectly round boobies my friends. (4094/7531)54.4%
#10: She knows just how to work her poses (4096/7540)54.3%
#11: We love her lingerie, What about you? (4008/7528)53.2%
#12: This blonde will put you in your place quicker than you can say Abracadabra! (3752/7456)50.3%
#13: A wonderful pair of titties on display (3743/7517)49.8%
#14: Laid back, With her mind on her money and her money on her mind. (3633/7525)48.3%
#15: Red panties and high heels really set the mood here. (3614/7488)48.3%
#16: This petite dark skinned beauty knows how to have a good time! (3456/7483)46.2%
#17: Man what we would do to hangout in the hot tub with this broad! (3244/7462)43.5%
#18: A beautiful woman with spectacular curves! (3176/7403)42.9%
#19: She must be setting a world record for sex appeal here, aye? (2947/7413)39.8%
#20: She really loves showing off what shes got! (2589/7399)35%
#21: Lacey panties never hurt anyone that we know of. (2449/7355)33.3%
#22: A diamond girl wearing pearls will get your heartbeat racing (975/7208)13.5%

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all lovely ladies, with fine tits. I think the best licking nipples were Barbie's.
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