Sandy Summers in Pink

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Description: Everybody loves Sandy, and if you don't then you obviously just haven't got the memo yet. The hot Brazilian eventually shows off her boobs but ironically not her pink.

Views: 282569 Date: November 27, 2008 Favorited: 27 favorites

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+ -
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Its true: Sandy Summers is a nuclear bombshell and I normally prefer brunettes
+ -
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i am real tired of these half-ass clips......i will post full clips if i have too...this is getting old, a good ten minute clip would be nice instead of a half boner clip
Shadro replied:
OBVIOUSLY, you're looking at the wrong site then. This isn't a full-length porno video website, it's a flash and joke site. It's sexy and funny, not sex and funny. Idiot
shan101 replied:
its ironic that most of sexy and funny friends are nothing but sex websites.. i'm just would be nice to get full clips...that's all
mOOse replied:
you can join the sites we promote to get the full clips. the full clips you are watching on other sites are most likely breaking copyright and are being used illegaly.
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